DataModeler APP


An annual Professional License of the DataModeler costs $5,000 per node. A complimentary “home-use” license is included in the price, and is also node-locked. Each license is tied to the machine and to the license of Mathematica installed on the machine. DataModeler requires Mathematica 8, which has to be purchased separately.

All DataModeler installations require a passcode. Please contact if you have purchased a copy and have lost your passcode.



An annual Professional License of the DataModeler costs $5,000 per node. A complimentary “home-use” license is included in the price, and is also node-locked. Each license is tied to the machine and to the license of Mathematica installed on the machine. DataModeler requires Mathematica 8, which has to be purchased separately.

All DataModeler installations require a passcode. Please contact if you have purchased a copy and have lost your passcode.